Financing Wind Inside Investment 2020
For the second time in 2020, EPS were joined by A Word About Wind to stream a hybrid conference for their members. A new event for 2020, Financing Wind Inside Investment focussed on providing insight into global finance available for wind energy projects.
Running from 09:00 until 17:00 UK time, the 8-hour broadcast included a mix of live and pre-recorded panel discussions and Q&A sessions with industry leaders; live presentation and pundits from Tamarindo Group and the wider wind industry, and extensive contribution from its online audience.
As an additional bonus, the broadcast executed a live link-up with WindEurope’s ReSource 2020 online event in mainland Europe, during which FWII host and Tamarindo Group MD Adam Barber interviewed two key players in the European wind energy industry.
With a careful constructed schedule designed to capture three main markets – APAC in the morning, Europe in the middle of the day and North America in the afternoon – FWII was a resounding success. All content has since been made available for AWAW’s members to watch again.
The event coincided with the launch of Tamarindo Group’s Green Fund Power List report.